
Hello Everyone participating in Scripture for Today We have all (almost) seen the church sign that says in the parking lot: "Now entering the mission field". Thank you for your participation for Scriptures for Today. We have one participant who sends it over occasionally to co-workers in Africa. We have had requests from people within Texas, but not local. We have local people asking to be added to the list and someone added from Malaysia. We have had questions that have been so interesting. And several conversations I'd like to share with you. Scripture for Today has been a blessing to me & a learning tool. It is formed from the choices given from the daily liturgy. . I recognize phrases from the bible but I am very uninformed as to what passage is what. In this case, this is probably a good thing. I look over the stated passages of the day, pray and pick one. Until it loads up on my screen, I am unaware of the passage. Then I pray again and look at the title taken from key phrases in the daily passage, mostly the photo (prayed over again) is picked from the key biblical phrase or something that zooms into my mind. Still prayed about and then sent to you. In my meandering way, until today I have forgotten to ask for this to go out in the power of the Spirit. But being God, He forgives me. Because this is not planned out by me at all, I am very pleasantly surprised it fits together. My favorite is lately, the open sign I photo-shopped for one day (a writer but not thee Author!) and next day the news story from Fox about the Lord raising the heart dead patient from the dead. The Lord is open indeed. 24/7.


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